About DaisyMia

picture of a daisy flower
Daisyflower. Learn more about daisies

Hi, my name in DaisyMia. I have a wide varaity of hyperfixations

Check out the first season of Winxclub, it is the most oversexualised kids show for young girl, ever! Winxclub Season 1

Mia's happy little hyperfixations!

Mia's favorite animal spieces

  1. Spermwhales: without the spermwhale humans would never have discovered the existens of the giant squits! I want a spermwhale as a pet, but my mom said no
  2. Any type of ducks: I don't know why, but they make me happy
  3. Orca's: They look like cute sea panda's, but are ruthless klilers
  4. Pokemon: I know they are not real animals, but I wish they were. Imagine you could klil you neighbours cat with your pet and it being part of our culture!

Mia's favorite copyright law facts

  1. If you publish a paper it is common to sign away your copyright, therefore you can't publish your own work
  2. Under the current law only a human can have a copyright, therefore works created by animals or AI can not have a copyright
  3. Sadly, it is very difficult to get a copyright or patent on fashion designs. Therefore, it is easy for big companies to steal smaller creators designs without compensation or facing consequences

Mia's favorite cooking techniques

  1. If you fry vegetables, you should a some lime/lemon juice and a small amount of vinegar. This enhances the taste a lot and is how most restaurants prepare veggies
  2. If you work with raw tomatos, add a very small amount of salt to the tomatos. This evens out the strong tomato flavour a bit